Judi M. Seema and Paul are great, hard-working supporters of the community; always welcoming and cheerful, too.
Val W. Besides their work ethic, Paul and Seema are huge community supporters. They help facilitate large bottle drives for fund raising events for schools, sports, youth groups, charitable mission groups and more. If transportation is a problem, Paul will arrange to pick up large orders. Besides this, the town of Trochu; Trails, Arboretum and Golf Course recently benefitted from the donation of 24 beautiful sturdy recycle bins due to the hard work and community 'credits' earned through the Trochu Bottle Depot. In closing, the current location of our Bottle Depot is less than desirable and Paul and Seema have purchased an old bakery on Main Street. They are in the process of restoring this unattractive building to a bright and functional 'new' bottle depot which will enhance the Main Street while serving customers so much better in a clean and bright environment...Napoleans, we applaud and thank you!!